Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

Hello Buffalo Supporters,

The Campaign has been extremely busy since my last edition. We’ve been out building relationships with tribal organizations, filling vacant staff positions, boosting our technical capacity, and finalizing plans for the upcoming Field Season. All of these actions contribute to the programs, goals, and strategies that support the Campaign’s mission to protect wild Yellowstone bison.

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Notable among our recent activities was our attendance at the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society’s (NAFWS) Annual Conference, held in Spokane, Washington. The Campaign’s Co-founder Mike Mease and I tabled at the conference. We spread awareness about our vision, mission, and programs for wild Yellowstone bison. We met great people who support the campaign’s mission-- college students, wildlife biologists, Tribal Fish & Wildlife Commissioners, and dedicated NAFWS staff. The NAFWS were gracious hosts and welcomed us to their event. BFC’s continued commitment to tribal people helps us build collaborative relationships with inter-tribal consortia, tribal governments, and the people.

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The Campaign is guided by decades of field knowledge gained by monitoring the negative outcomes of the Inter-agency Bison Management Plan. We use this experience to adapt and maximize the strategic tools available to us. With the leadership of Habitat Coordinator Darrell Geist, we are accepting applications for a PhD Wildlife Biologist to conduct scientific research that objectively evaluates threats to Yellowstone bison, viability of the herds under intensive management, and their ecological importance to the ecosystem. This study will show that Yellowstone bison must be protected with the Endangered Species Act. This protection prioritizes our National Mammal as a keystone species and protects critical bison habitat. Federal managers must treat wild bison as a public trust and reverse the harmful management actions we witness in the field.

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The Campaign is also in the process of filling staff positions. To support our field operations, we are hiring an Assistant Volunteer/Gear Coordinator. If you would like do your part on the ground, this seasonal position may be for you. With covid-19 policies in place, we expect to be operating at full capacity this field season and are seeking volunteers to support our winter operations. Volunteering at the Campaign is a powerful experience, taking place on the frontlines of bison advocacy. We expect a busy season due to delayed population control operations by managing agencies. You can find more information on these great opportunities here. Be a part of bison history, and stand with us during this field season.

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These new and exciting developments help advance the Campaign’s mission to protect wild bison. We look forward to seeing and hearing from more of you, our wonderful community, as we begin this 25th field season. It is imperative we continue to unify our voices and build coalitions with those who share our values and priorities. Future generations will appreciate us for standing for America’s public trust wildlife and landscapes. Qeciyewyew (thank you) my good people, for standing with us and wild buffalo.

In solidarity,
James Holt, Sr.
Executive Director, Buffalo Field Campaign

“The Earth and I are of One Mind.”- Chief Joseph, Nimiipuu (Nez Perce)