Montana is paying higher rates than Idaho and Wyoming to test for brucellosis and vaccinate cattle.
- Montana compensates ranchers $2 per head, in addition to covering veterinarian costs for vaccinating cattle. (22)
The Montana Department of Livestock is making reimbursements to ranchers without knowing the costs being reimbursed.
- Conclusion: “Audit work was not able to determine what direct costs the reimbursements to producers are intended to offset.” (22, 25)
The Montana Department of Livestock is making reimbursements for vaccinating cattle without proper documentation or the required approval for reimbursements over $5,000.
- Approximately $40,000 in payments were made to large cattle ranchers without the required sign-off of the administrator. (26)
73% of adult vaccination payments “did not have full supporting documentation, such as an official record of all vaccinations being reimbursed.” (25)
- The Department of Livestock made $24,000 in payments for which it “did not request or maintain supporting documentation.” (26)