This week BFC, together with our friends at Western Watersheds Project and Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program, took the first required step to sue the Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish & Wildlife (USFWS) for failing to provide Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for the distinct population segment of bison in Yellowstone National Park.
As outlined in our Notice of Intent to Sue, when the Fish and Wildlife Service issued its negative 90-day determination on two separate petitions to list the bison as threatened or endangered, they ignored the best available science, applied an incorrect legal standard to the petition, and ignored the plain language of the Endangered Species Act, which requires that any species threatened by one or more of five factors shall be designated as endangered or threatened.
America's national mammal, the wild bison, is threatened with extinction because of the actions--and inaction--of the agencies entrusted with protecting them. The Department of Interior should base its decisions on the best available science, not political pressure from the livestock industry.
Protecting wild bison under the ESA is the best, and strongest, way to bring this imperiled species the protections it so desperately needs.
Please read the press release announcing this important action HERE.