If you are planning a journey to join the water protectors standing on the front lines against the Dakota Access Pipeline, and your travels take you through the Northern Rockies region, you have a place to stay with BFC along the way.
Please contact us (
We also hope that if you do stay with us, you will help share the buffalo’s message with those you meet along the way, and return to join us on the front lines in our battle to protect the country’s last wild buffalo. We are all connected and these battles are part of the same resistance movement. The Dakota Access Pipeline is one of many threats to the Buffalo Nation, our buffalo family, and the heart of buffalo country where wild buffalo will one day return. In building solidarity and in standing together, we strengthen ourselves and our chances for a livable future with clean-flowing rivers and prairies supporting wild, migrating buffalo. We understand that, to some, the connection between saving the last wild buffalo and stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline might be hard to see, but clean water, wild buffalo, and grizzly bears are all, in fact, deeply connected.