Yellowstone's Central buffalo herd has declined by nearly half since last year to just 847 buffalo. This subpopulation of the last continuously wild, migratory buffalo has been in seriously dire straights and is continuing to decline at a rapid pace due to the nefarious actions of the State of Montana and Yellowstone National Park. In a little more than a decade, government capture, slaughter, harassment, and hunting, has reduced the Central Interior herd to less than one-fourth its size.
Park bison biologists are recommending that state and tribal hunting cease in the Hebgen Basin, west of Yellowstone National Park, where the Central herd exclusively migrates. This hunting closure suggestion will likely be met with resistance by hunters and hunt managers, so it is imperative that we raise our voices and be heard for the herd!
For the few survivors remaining in the spring, the state of Montana must cease hazing or harassing buffalo and let them roam in peace.
Tell Montana Governor Steve Bullock and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Director Martha Williams that they must take emergency action to protect what remains of the Central buffalo herd and close all buffalo hunting west of Yellowstone National Park.