Patrols have been thoroughly documenting the impacts of the National Forest logging buffalo habitat on Horse Butte. More logging and road building is planned in the buffalo’s habitat across Hebgen Basin. Securing habitat for the buffalo to calve is a long-term priority we have shared with local residents in our community. Buffalo Field Campaign has been closely documenting the ecological impacts of logging critical wildlife habitats in a threatened migration corridor.
The National Forest is going to be cutting habitat over the next 5 years so the impacts are going to be felt for many years. One such logging project in Hebgen Basin is appropriately named SPLAT: South Plateau Area Landscape Treatment project, south of HWY 20.
Map of Horse Butte just north of West Yellowstone. Favorite calving grounds of the Yellowstone buffalo.
Watch a video on the Horse Butte Logging Project
Here is the current contact information for those responsible:
Jason Brey
District Ranger, Hebgen Lake Ranger District
Custer Gallatin National Forest
330 Gallatin Rd
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
(406) 823-6963
Mary C. Erickson
Forest Supervisor, Custer Gallatin National Forest
PO Box 130
10 E Babcock Ave
Bozeman, MT 59771
(406) 587-6949