(Kicikute Cokanun Win),
Sicangu Lakota member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Co-Founder Buffalo Field Campaign
“We will always walk with you like the Buffalo, facing the wind. As we continue your commitment to the Buffalo nation at the very heart of your ardor knowing that every beat of our feet foreword creates the change you dreamt, we are thankful.“
An activist who worked to stop the disruption of a sacred ecosystem by giving a voice to the native Bison of Yellowstone National Park leaving a powerful message of hope for generations of Bison to come. Before her passing in 2014 she founded Buffalo Nations, which later evolved into Buffalo Field Campaign alongside Mike Mease.
Her efforts gained international attention from the near extinction of the last wild bison herd in the United States.
As the world watched the bison leave the boundaries of the park and cross into Montana it caused a ripple effect of change. Her soft-spoken voice was a collection of her ancestors encouraging the world to protect the keystone species as they walk strongly in the spirit world and in the physical as relatives. The bravery that she planted within all who knew her stretched around the world and now transcends in the Milky Way.
We offer our gratitude to the Little Thunder Family, forever in our hearts.