26—Cold Mountain Cold Rivers Complaint
Facility and all hazing of bison in the Horse Butte Area;
As a non-preferred alternative, require that
activities be limited to those analyzed in the December1998
Environmental Analysis, Biological Assessment, Biological
Evaluation and incorporated into the Biological Opinion which
does not include helicopter use, and require the Defendants to
strictly adhere to all terms and conditions set forth in the
December 1998 Biological Opinion; or
As a non-preferred alternative, prohibit helicopter
hazing of bison in the Horse Butte Area and over open waters of
the Madison River, the Madison Arm of Hebgen Lake, Hebgen Lake,
and the Horse Butte Area; or
Require the Federal agencies to conduct the
appropriate levels of analysis required by the Endangered
Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act; and
Issue such other relief as the Court deems just and
DATED this10th day of May, 2001.
Brenda Lindlief Hall