The onset of winter has been gradual and rather uneventful. As we look forward to celebrating the New Year, the onset of winter here in Yellowstone has been strongly influenced by “El Niño” resulting in notably diminished snowfall for the region.
Our daily patrols in West Yellowstone reveal a scarcity of buffalo and limited activity from other wildlife. Moose tracks abound, and we’ve witnessed bald eagles and ravens vying for carrion. Our resident fox graces BFC’s base camp during dawn and dusk.
We patiently await the annual migration of our relatives - in the Yellowstone buffalo herds - into Hebgen Basin and Gardiner Basin to bear witness to their human-caused trials and tribulations.
Part of me wishes the buffalo won’t face excessive snowfall and the state of Montana’s and Yellowstone National Park’s flawed plan. Part of me hopes the winter stays mild. Part of me hopes I see buffalo only when they are safe and warm during the summer rut. All of me hopes the remaining wild buffalo don't have to experience needless slaughter at the hands of hunters. Either way, we will be ready.
Gunnar Henderson-Nemeth, BFC Volunteer Coordinator