Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

Dear Buffalo Supporters,

Hello Everyone, I hope your transition to autumn is going well. My family and I have been plenty busy this summer, but we haven’t been able to get outdoors as often as we’d like to. However, in the Snake River basin the smoke is clearing and temperatures are cooling down. Just in time too, for salmon are showing up in regional rivers and wild game are on the move in the mountains. I’m getting antsy for the outside even as I type these words.

Photo by Larry J. Temple.  Submitted for 2013 calendar.  Larry J. TempleP.O. Box 1154Emigrant, MT  59027406-223-6654ljtemple1@yahoo.com

Meanwhile, there’s been a lot of political posturing around the country regarding wildlife management and conservation in the Northern Rockies. Montana continues to mismanage wildlife by catering to special interests. At the same time, the conservation community is forced to litigate or advocate for legislative fixes on Capitol Hill. Our public lands and our precious, public trust wildlife are continually losing out. Ecosystem health deteriorates as states such as Montana continue to pull the life threads on a diminishing ecological balance. The issues are becoming more polarizing, and this is not the time to sit on the sidelines.

The mission of Buffalo Field Campaign is more important than ever. We must continue to stand for the rights of Yellowstone bison. We will not stop until wild bison are managed similar to the local elk populations. Campaign co-founder Mike Mease and I will continue to travel throughout the United States telling the story of Yellowstone bison. When bison are free to roam, they will heal the land as they go.

Photo by Don MacCarter.  Friend of Jim Bailey's.  Full use permission granted.  heanyjw@wispwest.net

Lastly, big things continue to happen at the Campaign. With the Board of Director’s leadership, the Campaign continues to grow and improve to maximize our advocacy. I am pleased to announce that we are searching for a Media Coordinator. Please visit our website at https://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/job-posting-media-coordinator-buffalo-field-campaign for more information on how to apply. Also, the Campaign continues to develop our ongoing Endangered Species Act Initiative. Habitat Coordinator Darrell Geist has been putting in long hours preparing us for this initiative. Be on the lookout for big news coming soon!

In closing, I hope that all of our supporters are doing well. We must stand together during these times of uncertainty and change. Peace to you all.

For the Buffalo,

James Holt Sr.

Executive Director, Buffalo Field Campaign