Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

 bfc calendar 2020 09 september elke duerr watermarked

Buffalo Field Campaign Board of Directors have recently taken informed actions to address confidential issues within the organization. Unfortunately, the affected individual has refused to accept these actions, has breached confidentiality, and is attempting to discredit the Campaign’s reputation. While the actions of the former employee are reprehensible, the Campaign will no longer be replying to individual concerns based on these false narratives.

The Campaign holistically refutes the misleading and incorrect information that is being circulated by the disenfranchised individual. The Board of Directors has taken decisive actions to remedy the situation, and the organization is moving forward with optimism, clarity, and courage. Our mission to support wild, migratory bison is of vital importance. We cannot get derailed by personal agendas or deviate from our chosen path. The Campaign’s work is too great and our supporters are too important to be compromised by the detrimental actions of a single individual.

Please know that Buffalo Field Campaign is acting in the best interests of the organization and for the buffalo. To that extent, we are retooling the organization to implement the Board mandated changes. Be on the lookout for these changes as we continue to increase our professional capacity, and adopt necessary procedures to alleviate this unfortunate circumstance from happening again. Our supporters are the driving force behind our advocacy. It is important we keep you informed of our actions, providing assurance that we are acting with integrity and transparency.

Thank you for all you do in support of wild, migratory bison and Buffalo Field Campaign.