May 5, 2016
Buffalo Field Campaign is seeking a full-time coordinator and volunteers for our summer outreach program.
Volunteers get to spend five days a week camping in beautiful Yellowstone National Park. You'll spend your days enjoying all that the landscape has to offer, from relaxing in the Boiling River, to watching a mama black bear with her cubs.
You'll have the amazing opportunity of seeing buffalo during the rut while helping to do outreach on their behalf. Educating park visitors on the plight of America's last wild bison is one of the most important parts of what we do here at Buffalo Field Campaign. While tabling you'll meet people from all over the world and bring the buffalo's story to them.
During the five days in the Park, volunteers will share a tent at various camp grounds in and around Yellowstone.
When volunteers are not tabling, adventuring in the park is one of the many benefits of summers in Yellowstone, with plenty of places to hike, swim, and enjoy nature. There are also two days a week when volunteers will be back at our main cabin to relax.
In addition to everything mentioned, the summer coordinator will be responsible for answering volunteer e-mails, screening potential volunteers, obtaining all necessary paperwork and permits for operating the BFC table, and getting to know new volunteers, making them feel welcome, and educating them on the issue.
Visit our Base Camp Volunteer page to learn all about “life at BFC.” Then, please contact us! We look forward to talking with you and answering your questions.