Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

When I first arrived in Bozeman, it was a winter wonderland compared to where I came from, the temperate rainforest of the Pacific Northwest. Buffalo Field Campaign’s cofounder Mike Mease quickly filled me on the lack of snowfall this year. I still can’t believe there could be more snow than now. The lack of snow this winter is tied to the low number of buffalo seen who continue to graze on range in Yellowstone National Park instead of migrating to places like Horse Butte.

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The days here at camp consist of going on patrol in the morning, which could mean a cross country ski around the park boundary, Horse Butte, or into the park. It could also mean driving around looking for buffalo attempting to cross the road. On my first day cross country skiing, two other volunteers and I trekked out towards Duck Creek. I am amazed by Yellowstone’s beautiful landscape; the sun sparkling on snow, the clear sky, we could see for miles. As we looked out over the marsh, we saw five buffalo sleeping in the snow, taking a break from foraging. They were so peaceful. Seeing the buffalo resting, content in the snow, I understood more about why BFC fights so hard for their rights.

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Three of BFC’s staff I talked to during car patrols have taught me more about what they do and why they do it. All have a passion for protecting these incredible beings. All have ideas on bringing people together to help protect the buffalo. With the help of BFC’s supporters and the campaign’s strong connection to Native Tribes, you have all helped provide year-round habitat for buffalo on places like Horse Butte, and will figure out ways to do more. There is still so much to be done to give buffalo the rights they deserve. Thank you to all of BFC’s supporters for your steadfast support.

Written by BFC volunteer Mora.

To volunteer with the Buffalo Field Campaign, click here.